

Aqueous Vapor is Illinois’s Premium Vape Shop

An Outdoor View of Aqueous Vapor, a Premier Vape Shop With Many Locations in the Midwest.

Find High-Quality & Affordable Vape Pens, Pods, & Juices at Aqueous Vapor in Illinois

Aqueous Vapor is your Illinois vape shop. Our premium products, huge selection, and customer service set us apart. Why? Because we put our passion for vaping into everything we do. The Aqueous Vapor team stays educated on vaping trends and can help you find exactly what you’re looking for. Whether you’re just getting started or you’re an experienced vape user, Aqueous Vapor is the only vape shop you need.

Isn’t vaping just as dangerous as smoking a cigarette?

Vaping is a hot topic in today’s media. However, research has found vaping is much less likely to cause cardiovascular or lung disease compared to smoking cigarettes. If you are curious about quitting smoking and switching to vaping, you’re in luck. Making the change from cigarettes to vaping has been shown to improve lung function. This happens because you are swapping out thousands of unknown chemicals for just a handful of the simple ingredients found in vape juice. No matter how you got into vaping, the team at Aqueous Vapor will help you find the right products for your lifestyle.


Shop your favorite vape brands like Voopoo, Aegis, GeekVape, Pacha, LoliDrip, & Fruitia, all at Aqueous Vapor in Illinois

Your vape flavor preference says a lot about you! Maybe you’re a traditionalist and love a simple tobacco or menthol flavor. Those with a sweet tooth enjoy options like strawberry vanilla cake. Whatever flavor you’re after, Aqueous Vapor can deliver. Our robust juice menu has a flavor for everyone. Of course, you’ll need something to put your vape juice in. Aqueous Vapor is fully stocked with starter kits, mods, cartridges, and more. Stop by one of our Illinois locations to learn more about our vape product line.

Sweet, savory & exciting vape juice flavors at Aqueous Vapor
  • Pink Punch Lemonade
  • Fiji Melons
  • Crisp Green Apple
  • Spearmint
  • Watermelon Lime
  • Caramel Cappuccino 
  • Orange Pop
  • Guava Lava
  • Many More!

Aqueous Vapor stocks the high-end vape products you’re looking for in Illinois

When you are passionate about vaping, you love to talk about it. That’s why the Aqueous Vapor team keeps up with trends, data, and new vape products hitting the market in Illinois. We pass that information along to our customers to give them the best vaping experience possible. Our passion springs from our founder's mission to make the switch from cigarettes to vaping. That simple change led to the opening of the midwest’s #1 vape shop, Aqueous Vapor.

We are the best because we pay attention to our customers’ needs and satisfaction. Aqueous Vapor only sells safe vaping products you can rely on. Your vaping journey doesn’t have to be one of trial and error. Visit one of our Illinois locations today to get expert advice and quality products. Find an Aqueous Vapor store near you in East Moline or Macomb, IL.

Aqueous Vapor prioritizes service, selection & value for vapers in Illinois


From the moment you walk through the doors of Aqueous Vapor, you will feel welcome. Our team is friendly, professional, and excited to help you discover the joys of vaping. We educate new users about safety and product quality, and work with veteran vapers to source their favorite vaping tools and juices.


We will help you find the perfect vape equipment and juice to start your journey. Experienced vapers can always expect to see their favorite products as well as exciting new features. Aqueous Vapor only stocks the best, industry-leading products. 


Smoking cigarettes is not good for your health or your wallet. Save yourself some money and decrease health risks by switching to vaping. Vaping is a healthier, more affordable, and environmentally friendly option than cigarettes. Visit Aqueous Vapor to change your life today.

Vape Stores in Illinois

Macomb, IL


ADDRESS: 501 West Jackson St. Suite B, Macomb, IL 61455

HOURS: Mon-Sat: 10am–8pm | Sun: CLOSED

PHONE: (309) 421-0756

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